Social Media and Artificial Intelligence

You can now automate content publishing on social media platforms!
We've developed a tool that automatically generates and publish content online.

You can schedule publishing that happens recursively by month, day, hour and minutes, on a specific social network, to one or more specific accounts.

An algorithm we've created generates a post on the social platform:

  • Album or single artwork image
  • Music player (30 seconds free listening)
  • A picture (no royalties needed) based on a keyword
  • A text randomly selected from a pre set of phrases
  • The quote of the day based on keyword
  • Social managed are: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google My Business, Tumblr, TikTok, VK, Linkedin, Pinterest

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Here are some examples

Automated post 1Automated post 2Automated post configuration 1Automated post configuration 2Automated post configuration 3